Security Supervision & Scenario Based Drill Services

Monthly / Annual Operational Supervision Services

It is the service that the security system of customer is supervised without notice as part of the commitments made to customer. Supervisions can be performed at all hours of the day and night. The aim of supervisions is to detect inconveniences in current security system by taking determined risks into consideration and to give suggestions to troubleshoot.

  • How far do security officers use aversiveness factor?
  • Customer satisfaction of security officers
  • How far can security officers implement the procedures?
  • Training level of securtiy officers
  • Do security officers have comprehensive knowledge of legislation
  • Do security officers have a good grasp of place of duty?
  • Deficiencies in current electronic security system
  • Deficiencies in equipments
  • Deficiencies related to assembly areas and fire fighting procedures
  • Pre-detection of risks which may occur
  • Numerical reporting of the performance of security officers in line with the determined criteria as a preliminary preparation for the KPI studies
  • Compliance with Law No. 5188
  • Increasing reputation by training security officers
  • Adding value to institution

The scoring method applied at the end of the report is the numerical measure of the performance of the security officers as a result of the supervision. ISC offers the master scoring criteria to customer. In addition, results of the supervisions carried out every month can be transferred to a graphically supported report and the developments can be monitored statistically.

Monthly / Annual Security System Testing (DRILL) Services

It is the scenario based drill service we carried out monthly/annually without notice as part of the commitments made to customer. In line with the identified risks, it is aimed to drill active security system and to  portray emergency. A system test is not carried out for a risk that does not exist or does not concern the institution. Inconveniences in current security system are detected, suggestions are given for the inconveniences, it is studied to troubleshoot.

  • What kind of reflex actions do security officers make in an emergency?
  • How ready are security officers for an emergency?
  • Training level of security officers?
  • In case of a real incident, at what stages does the security system fail?
  • Deficiencies in current electronic security system
  • Deficiencies in equipments
  • Numerical measurement and reporting of the responses of security officers in case of a real incident



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